Understanding Clothing Use and Repair Behaviours
If you are:
- 18 years or over
- Live in Canada or the United States
- Able to read and write in English
Then, we would like to invite you to participate in our research study.
We want to learn about repair habits of people who live in Canada or the USA. We are interested in learning from people who repair and those who do not repair items. We are particularly interested in people’s interest in community events that help people mend clothes. So even if you have never repaired an item of clothing in your life, and do not ever intend to, your perspective is still valuable! We want to understand what motivates some people to repair items, and what prevents others from repairing them.
Participation would involve completing an online survey through Qualtrics that will take 10-15 minutes to complete.
If you are interested, please click the following link to complete the survey or contact Rachel McQueen at textile@ualberta.ca if you have further questions.
Link to the survey: https://ualbertauw.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_e42btnFCpnxgOjA
This study (Pro00142847) has been reviewed for its adherence to ethical guidelines by a Research Ethics Board at the University of Alberta.